TAG City Members Poll
Topic: Be rewarded with 1,000 to 10,000 TAG points for answering this Poll question: Which TAG Platinum Sponsor is your favorite?[]
Results: [1]

Source: TAG Free Online Games
This poll is open to all TAG members.
All votes are worth somewhere between 1000 and 10000 Points.
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John1 Voted for 10
This was tough but I had to vote for one just to see that I had set the Poll up correctly. Both WinADay and Slotland have been great sponsors of TAG and GoneGambling and their advertising spend is what has kept both sites alive in these hard times. That's why they get my vote. :-)
james1 Voted for 2
whatelse would I pick?? lol
laurie1 Voted for 9
Slotland was my first online gaming experience and remains my favorite! There customer service is second to NONE!
nelbert2 Voted for 9
Michael1 Voted for 9
Slotland, because they are the most honest casino i know and they care about their customers.
cher1 Voted for 10
Its hard to pick just one sponsor, they are all wonderful!
larry17 Voted for 3
All the sponsors are great but Looky Lou's has a great selection. You can find anything there.
Robert10 Voted for 10
RUBY1 Voted for 3
Since Dee is my team mate and captain I think it would be wise to vote for her lol. Actually I do shop from her site and I browse there a bunch.
lyn4 Voted for 10
Bhavani1 Voted for 10
Yes it is good
Cindy1 Voted for 7
very hard decsion there John you are putting us on the spot
deborah25 Voted for 7
Bobbie is very easy to deal with.
Frances1 Voted for 9
Slotland is my favorite and I play there all of the time. They have a great support team.
Lewis3 Voted for 1
because they sponserd me gold
bruce7 Voted for 9
Love Slotland. Unique online casino.
Carol42 Voted for 2
I really like Heidi's Avon as I get some of the best deals ever there. Heidi always makes sure one is happy with the products and is very
Leona2 Voted for 3
I like the specials on there page
elaine22 Voted for 10
this is fun and can i wear my pajamas too!
maryann12 Voted for 9
My only experience is with their super-fast granting of gold memberships. But if US ever legalizes online gambling, they're the first place I'll go.