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Jerry1’s Page


Contact Jerry1

Views 4467

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Welcome friend. Glad you decided to stop by my page.
Jerry Lee & Tina

My son Chris

members picture


Treat others the way that you want to be treated and you will always have good friends. That is everyone except John's sister. ROFLMAO

My dog "Sam"

Good at Begging


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Views:4496 Score:138


Tina5: This is my loving husband, Jerry Lee.

Marilyn2: Friend's Forever!

John1: You obviously haven't met my older sister Jerry. Treating her the way you would like to be treated is simply seen as a sign of weakness by her. It's something she can try to exploit. ROFLMAO

Dori1: Hey Jerry I'm not sure which way the scale goes on the rating but I was trying to give you the highest. Thanks for being part of the FriendlessJas team. FRIENDLESSJAS RULES!!!! GO TEAM!!!


Cindy1: Hiya Jerry Lee

BARB2: good page

Jamie1: short sweet & to the point!

Heidi1: HI Jerry, LOL on Johns sister!

emily5: Cute dog looks like he is not camera shy!

Neatha1: cute dog!

Heidi2: any page is good with little critters on it!

Sherri1: Nice Page..

Diane1: Sam is a cutie!!


Trish1: Love that picture. It says a lot :>)

meki1: LOve Ya!!!!woooohooo Looters RAAAWK!


Michael1: nice pictutes

Nita1: Love the page


pamela2: way to go jerry and amen to the saying good looking dog

Paul5: Great advice & a nice page.

james1: nice page ,jerry


Angela1: love;y page :)

Dolores1: just dropping by again to say hi

stacey10: sam knows how to pick a famliy !!

rocky3: 0

Samantha7: Nice page Jerry!!!

My Friends

Art1, chris31, Cindy1, John1, John6, Laynie1, Leann1, Marilyn2, Shirley1, Tina5, Trish1

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