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Cindy1’s Page


Contact Cindy1

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Hiya I am Cindy1 just a Mom Grandma have 2 wonderful kids an 2 beautiful grandbabies

Ethan is 9 now an Tasia will be 8 they both are doing great in school an having a blast
they are good kids an I love them to much lol

Reality is just an illusion due to a lack of alcohol.

People will forget what you said .......
People will forget what you did ........
But people will never forget how you made them feel.

A Story

Ethan & Tasia

Previous Entry

Views:33319 Score:93


Marilyn2: Ethan looks like a little man LOL

connie1: AWWWWWW

Michelle2: What a beautiful picture Cindy!

Samantha7: Wow! What beautiful grandchildren Cindy!

Nan4: Omg! They are so precious and handsome...I love the picture. You are a good grand mommy!

Annette16: What beautiful children!

Kat2: they are so precious

Debrah2: you have beautiful grandchildren.

Kristi4: Everytime I see this picture I think how lucky you are to have such beautiful grandchildren!!

Barbara16: They are such beautiful childen your grandchildren you should be very proud

Gloria1: oh how sweet

thomas39: teahoz


Wanda22: How are so lucky!

menola1: very nice picture


Bhavani1: good one

sadza1: nice i like your motto .gee never thoght about life that waii

Mary23: You are so very blessed, they are beautiful!

Timothy23: i like the motto. very good picture also.

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