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james1’s Page


Contact james1

Views 3277

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welcome to my place,kick off you shoes and take a load off

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Me and my wife when Im asleep (can you tell who is really loading this page)
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My favorite Green Friend Einstien

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Can you tell who this is?

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Original Album Art, The Beatles

My Birdies

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members pictureShrimp boats in Galveston Bay

members pictureThe Nina Replica in Baytown's Marina

members pictureDeep Sea Fishing, Happy DAYS!

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My Catch! Woo Hoo!members picture

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Views:2691 Score:80


Heidi1: something fishy going on here

Dolores1: New pix are neat, nice catch!

Paul5: Nice site, nice day fishing too.

Jamie1: Don't let meki sniff your page James.....

Heidi2: enjoyed your new site also

Tina5: Nice Page

cindy2: I think we might be neighbors.. I am down by Corpus!

Marilyn2: Heidi sure was a great catch

Jerry1: Great Page

Yuliya1: The ships are really very very cool :D Thanks you!

stacey3: Hey, James! Nice Fish! ;)

Joann1: oh yeah..youre one sexy beast

Pamela6: Neat Page James

Lisa63: Tell the stole those fish from the guy with his back turned, right? LOL Great job on your page!

Nan4: Oh, James! I love your page and thank you for sharing many pretty pictures. With all those fish...No wonder why Heidi loves you so much, it's all about FOOD! lol

Rhonda19: Awesome Pics James!!

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