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Winaday1’s Page


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WinADay Casino to sponsor Gold memberships at TAG City.

We only have a limited number of Gold memberships to grant each month so make sure you submit your request early if you want us to award you with a Gold TAG City membership. Submit your request from the Renew / Upgrade link on the right side of your members area.

At this time we will grant Gold to almost any member. However, as the TAG City membership grows and more demand is placed on us for granting Gold memberships, preference will be given to depositing players at WinADay Casino.

Visit WinADay Casino.

WinADay Casino is the next generation of NO DOWNLOAD online gaming! WinADay Casino is a flash casino with unique slot machines and environment and even virtual employees! To play at WinADay Casino, simply go to

Here's a few comments from some WinADay Casino players. These players are also fellow TAG City members so they are people you can trust. You may even find them in the chat below each game and ask them to confirm the comments listed here:

Christopher4 writes: My name is Christoper and I love playing your games!

Kristi4 writes: I love to play games both for cash and fun! Enjoyed play at WinADay.

Amy5 writes: I play a lot on online casinos and recently I was searching for new sites and I saw WinADay website which seemed like a fun site. Didn’t get a chance to sign up but will very soon!

Visit WinADay Casino.

Try This

Try our games at Win A Day casino for some unreal fun and good times.

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Views:49064 Score:87


Cindy1: very nice page

john70: I like it that Win A Day lets players try the games for free. The games are great, and the "next-generation" layout of the casino is amazing!

RLF1: great games!

Marilyn2: fun games

Jerry1: Nice Page & Fun Games

Dolores1: Had a good time playing at Winaday

Paulette1: Great place, great games

John6: Outstanding Casino and Outstanding slots. This is a must for all whom want value play time for your buck. Outstanding.

Nan4: Thank you,Winaday for sponsoring and being a wonderful Casino ever. I appreciate it.

Gabriella1: SIMPLY the BEST!


sharon85: thanks for being a sponsor

nick12: fun place

Kristi4: lots of fun and plenty of money to win!!

Mostafa1: it very good looking website

Wanda22: excellent gaming site


teresa40: Win A Day Is Fun & REWARDING!

My Friends

Gold1, Gold1, John1, Platinum1, Slotland1

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