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carroll1’s Page


Contact carroll1

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HI! I'm carroll1 (cadurham at I've been a member since TAG started and I love it here! I can't wait to see how we all grow as a stupendous site and close family and friends!


* Merrit Malloy

I've come a long way on paper
All those days I thought I couldn't live through
Have all been here and gone.

I still remain confused with my own evolution.
I shall always have quiet resurrections
Of where I've been and why.
There is still a Disney edge on all my dreams,
But I am not led anymore by restlessness or ultimatum.
I have unlearned my fantasies
So that I may fill myself with something real.

I have loved and I have been loved,
Not always simultaneously.
I have given and I have taken,
Not always without motive.
My life has been a curious design of contradiction
But I think I chose my own sorrow.
I had to experience it and discover it
In order to create my own particular peace.

I found this poem in the early days of my recovery from a drug addiction. I have it framed and hanging on my computer desk as a daily reminder...everything happens for a reason although we may not understand at that particular moment.

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Views:1367 Score:53


Peter1: very nice keep up the good work. Pete


Jamie1: Great Start Keep up the good work!!! Luv ya (((hugz)))

Dorothy1: Nice

Kathie2: Nice! Ya need some color = )

emily5: Very nice!

Neatha1: nice page

Heidi1: Nice page, very heartfelt

Dolores1: Hi Carroll, glad I found your page, very nice

Marilyn2: Hi Carroll !

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Anne1, annette1, arlene1, Arlie1, Bobbie1, Carole2, Dolores1, dorothy2, gail1, Heidi1, Ifon1, james5, Jamie1, JANE2, John1, Kim9, LANI1, Linda1, lois1, Maha1, Mary23, Mel1, Peter1, robert51, sharon2, Tammy4, Tina5, tony16, Trish1

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